Tuesday 23 March 2010

EnglishPAL delivers the goods.

I found the exact spot where Habib had made us tea the year before.
Another very enjoyable day in the countryside.But we then paid the price with plenty of asphalt.
It was cool by the time we got to Ramallah.
We briefly met Shadi one of my englishpal contacts who assisted us to get to MK's place in Bir Zeit in the dark.
After shower and laundry we set of into Ramallah with MK's friend Anas.
We ended up talking well into the night - maybe 3am when we got to bed.
I have heard all sorts of ghastly stories of suffering in this HOLY LAND.
MK and particularly Anas conveyed their stories with passion but without rancour and a quiet dignity.This hit home harder than some other 'less quiet' ones.
I hope to meet the lads again...

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