Sunday, 17 August 2008

Thank Yous

Thanks to all who have prayed for us. It's not often we hear good news stories about insurance companies. Karen, aka 'pegleg', would like to thank Phillip Williams and Co who got her home pronto by plane and taxi after she damaged her knee. I would like to thank Kaz for her 'valiente' support and Fi for blog updates. Thanks for morale boosting texts to Fi, Matthew, Red Dave, Sophia, Maureen, Helen and Christine. Thanks for IT 'sponsorship in kind' Tony/Major Systems Ltd and Tim, John for Rucksac and sleeping bag, Hazel for 'hotel services', Howard for taxiing, Frank and Ros for being 'Pilgrims for a day', 'Amawalker' for advice and encouragement. Last but not least the Angels who have just appeared when needed.

Updated by Fiona for Paul.

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