Saturday, 28 March 2009


The walk to Ramallah was mainly on roads & uneventful until we got to the main checkpoint.By then we were 3 Pilgrims & two Palestinian Guides.Initially,we were all stopped & told no-one thru on foot.One of our group thought a soldier directed us to walk around the checkpoint thru a field.We did - all of us- & began walking up the road.A humvee & 4 soldiers soon approached.After about 20 mins negotiation & calls to their Officer the soldiers let the 3 Pilgrims thru but not our Guides.By an unprintable arrangement a car delivered the two Palestinians to us only 400 metres from the checkpoint!The Security aspect of the Wall is at the very least in part a farce.
We were shown round the Birzet district of Ramallah by the engaging Raydeh.Their Church in common with many we have seen was beautiful.We slept in a very cold 'community' hostel with very basic facilities (in daylight it was warmer outside!)

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