Thursday, 28 August 2008

We Who Are About To Celebrate Salute You!

An hour to sunset at the end of the world. We met some ladsabout to go & face the heat of 1000km on the 'silver road'.

I'm with three 20 something lads and a prodigous amount of wine has been purchased and carried the last 4km, to be mixed with coca cola! I've kept pace with these lads for a long time now, but at sunset I retire gracefully. All morning thunder, lightening and rain, then HEAT in the afternoon.

There is a kind of special fire lit where socks are being burnt. My shoes go in at sunset!

Prayers to be re-focussed from joints to 'head' - oh, and no rain please.

Buen Camino from the 'end of the world' - at sunset, 910km. Thanksfor your support.

Paul x

Updated on behalf of Paul by Fiona.

And as someone used to say..... 'now this is me' (Fiona). It's been a real pleasure updating this for Paul and Karen. I am a very proud little sister. xx


Sil said...

Congratulations peregrino-Paul! You have walked the walk: you have passed the test. You are a true pilgrim!

sagalouts said...

not 3 bad bingley boy.
ian( yeadon) and rosie