Sunday, 7 March 2010

Code HR

Late evening at an undisclosed location myself and some Germans shared part of our Saxon more can be said...
So much noise in the Guesthouse I retired to the roof.
The 'Matrix coat' once more attracted Security attention at Jalame Crossing into Israel.I was airport style scanned twice,searched 3 times and bag x-rayed twice.
All the while locals going back & forth.It took nearly an hour.
Once across another hour waiting for a Service Taxi - someone took pity & gave me a lift to Afula.Uneventful bus ride to Nazareth and a re-union with Maoz around 2pm Sunday.Still the great relaxed friendly atmosphere at Fauzi Azar.
Volunteer staff falling over themselves to be helpful - conjuring up food.
Managed to go to Mass in the Basilica at the wrong time.

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