Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Meeting Nedal again

After another hearty breakfast we bade a fond farewell to our hosts.
We called on Father Frias to say goodbye.
We decided we wanted a more interesting walk so we avoided traveling on roads.
The entire day was spent in the countryside.Between my memory,the map and checking our position on the Israeli grid by GPS we managed not to get lost.Although,we were not on the exact route taken in 2009 when Guided we were close all day.It was tough going underfoot so we traveled slowly.There was much scrambling up and down hills.Quite a lot of time with no semblance of path.But it's all 'doable'
We had two stops to eat the masses of fruit we still have left...
It was good to meet Nedal again.We discussed the various walks in Spain, Galilee and the one we are on now.Then we heard a depressing resume of the current situation.

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